Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Every drop counts

Did you know that 97% of the worlds water is salt water and only 3% is fresh and Canada has 7% of that fresh water. Canada has been has been wasting water for centuries but we have to realize "It's what we've got its all that's it". Lately there has been a realization about how much water is being used and the ways that we can reduce the usage of that water like taking shorter showers or turning on the tap only when necessary.

There are many ways people waste water for example you waste 19 L per minute for outdoor watering, it takes 130 L of water to do one load of laundry and it takes 150 L just for a 10 minute shower we just have to remember "every drop counts".

70% of our fresh water is frozen throughout the earth,In glaciers like the cryosphere which has started to melt. The glacier melt contributes 1% to 6% less fresh H2O per year. " It's melting away it's wasting away i need it, there's no doubt about it". After watching these videos I realized that we really should start reducing our use of water if we want to have a good amount of fresh water in the future.

1 comment:

  1. hey aloe this is well worded blog, but you could of red over it there are a few screw ups in it wtih punctuation and repetitve words other wis GREAT ! :D
