Friday, April 30, 2010


Our class just watched a DVD called "Flow" it was about water all over the earth. When I watched this video It really blew me away on how much water was being wasted! I never really thought about all the people with out water in this world but now I will always be watching how much water I use.

In the DVD we found out about all the diseases that water can give you if not clean. For example more then 2,ooo people die per year from water diseases. Alot of the worlds water is not clean!

Bottled water is NOT cleaner then tap water. This was a big suprise to me because I always thought that bottled water was better. In the research and testing people found out that some of the most expensive bottled water companies just might come out of your every day tap. Even some bottled water has diseases in them

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Every drop counts

Did you know that 97% of the worlds water is salt water and only 3% is fresh and Canada has 7% of that fresh water. Canada has been has been wasting water for centuries but we have to realize "It's what we've got its all that's it". Lately there has been a realization about how much water is being used and the ways that we can reduce the usage of that water like taking shorter showers or turning on the tap only when necessary.

There are many ways people waste water for example you waste 19 L per minute for outdoor watering, it takes 130 L of water to do one load of laundry and it takes 150 L just for a 10 minute shower we just have to remember "every drop counts".

70% of our fresh water is frozen throughout the earth,In glaciers like the cryosphere which has started to melt. The glacier melt contributes 1% to 6% less fresh H2O per year. " It's melting away it's wasting away i need it, there's no doubt about it". After watching these videos I realized that we really should start reducing our use of water if we want to have a good amount of fresh water in the future.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Ocean currents as alternative energy

Ocean currents are becoming a possible way of alternative energy in our earth.
How is this possible? Well, because the water is dense it carries a large amount of energy. That could be made into a usable source through out water turbines. Right now they are experimenting this technology all over the world.

Did you know that whether ocean currents are used as alternative energy to decrease the cost of shipping or to move species, weather and the globe, they are useful to all different kinds of scientists because they have a large impact on the earths atmosphere relations.

I think that using ocean currents to make energy would be a very fluent and environmentally friendly way.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Ocean currents

Hi, here's a few facts about ocean currents feel free to ask questions

ocean currents are vertical and horizontal movement through out the world's oceans

Do ocean currents move in a specific direction?
yes they normally move in a specific direction and aid curculation of the earths miosture, resultant weather and water pollution. They move in spiral patterns making gyres, in the northen hemisphere gyres move clockwise but in the southern they spin counterclockwise.

Did you know that the main cause is wind because there is friction when it moves over water gravity also causes ocean currents. since the currents travel long distances the canalis f9rc also plays a role in ocean currents movement.